Mr. Emmanuel Naoma, a native of Imo State, has been residing in a dilapidated shelter with his wife and children, living in constant insecurity from snake bites, mosquitoes, and various other dangers. Their impoverished state has even hindered the children from attending school due to their challenging living conditions. In response to their plight, the Ezennia Rosemary Azuka Foundation has taken a compassionate step by donating a complete flat building to provide them with a safe and comfortable living environment. Once the building is completed, it will be officially handed over to Mr. Emmanuel Naoma and his family, marking a significant positive change in their lives.
SCHOLARSHIP SUSPENDED! This scholarship was later suspended because it was meant for students of government secondary schools, not privately-owned schools. The Ezennia […]
The Ezennia Rosemary Azuka Foundation organized a food feeding program during the Christmas season, reaching out to celebrate with vulnerable people on […]